Why 200 Best Horror Movies of All Time?

psychotronic [ sahy-kuh-tron-ik ] adjective

of or relating to a genre of usually low-budget movies that includes horror, fantasy, science-fiction, and underground films.

I‘ve loved bad movies for decades. When Michael Weldon published the Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film, I felt like I’d made a new best friend. I’d collected monster movie magazines and horror comic books for awhile, but Weldon’s book was a systematic examination of the best and worst that filmmakers had to offer, from horror to fantasy to science fiction. There was, in fact, a whole segment of the population that, like me, thought movies with guys in rubber lizard suits were kind of cool.

My best friend asked me when I showed him Weldon’s book, what criteria were used to determine if a film was “psychtronic”. I wasn’t really able to provide a detailed explanation. Really, if I found myself watching it at 2 a.m. on our old black and white TV, it probably qualified.

Lately, I’ve had some time on my hands. And, websites like Rotten Tomatoes (https://www.rottentomatoes.com/) are posting excellent watchlists like the one that forms the basis of this blog (https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/guide/best-horror-movies-of-all-time/). I retired recently, and I’ve been looking for projects that will keep me busy. Watching 200 horror movies and writing about the good, the bad and the in-between seems like it might be fun, for me and maybe for others who love the genre.

I have to be upfront, I’m not a trained film historian or critic. I spent 35 years working in public administration (mostly on environmental issues). But… I love movies, reading, story-telling, music and art. I think I know when they are done well and in a compelling way. I love a good conversation, too. Especially when it involves someone’s perspective on something that we’ve both watched. Watching a movie, together or apart, can demonstrate strongly shared views or truly diverse perspectives.

For the next 12 months or so, I’m going to work my way through Rotten Tomatoes List of the 200 Best Horror Movies of All Time. I’ll provide a (hopefully) spoiler-free plot synopsis, info on the film’s genesis, info on cast and crew (where it matters), info on its contribution to the genre (or sub-genre), and my own impressions of the film.

I’m doing this for my own enjoyment, and hopefully to entertain a few others. My opinions are my own and are never intended to offend. If they do, I am more than ready and willing to learn and be better. There are some movies on this list that I have turned off because I was a little overwhelmed. It may seem strange, but you can be a psychotronic film lover and still be squeamish.

My biggest hope is that I’ll connect with more weirdos like me.